


Wow Michelle's Class are crazy. One girl went to the toilet and cut her wrist.. Luckily she did not cut the artery but still it was so scary. Imagine the amount of blood on the floor! It is quite enough to make me shudder.. I don't know how Michelle could stand it. She even saw the wound, although it was already dry when she saw it.. Actually, she was very calm after the whole incident. She even continued her teaching. It wasn't surprising, I had been in her situation once. She had to be calm to get control of her class. Think what would happen to the class if she panicked! The effect of the scene would start to affect her later when she was given time to think again.......

Michelle 是他的同事。 去界手的女同學,不當自殘是一回事;看見班上同學弄得血痕斑斑的回來,女老師也不當她的傷是一回事,繼續教書去。 面對界手、流血,大家的反應也異常冷靜。 真是 「異常」!

界手,在我讀書時已經流行,都有十多年歷史了。 那時我讀中三,忽然由精英班編到山雞班裡去,班上的同學光怪陸離,有反社會型的(經典之作,光天化日在五樓廁所裡,向窗外撒尿!),有暴力學生(喜歡打人,也喜歡叫人打他!),有日日在班上收「保護費」的小混混(一兩圓也照殺),有愛時裝表演的(穿 Giordano polo shirt 配 Dr. Martin 黑鞋加 M Duck 袋),總之就是怪。

那時坐在我旁的就是上述的「暴力學生」一名,上課時他當然不會聽書,只喜歡白日夢,最喜歡問人他與某女同學相不相襯云云。 別一項他用來消磨時間的活動就是界手,他界的位置通常時在肩膊,短袖校服的衣袖剛剛可以覆蓋傷痕。 他不會當界手是什麼,很平常,像是消閒玩意般,他可以邊和你胡扯邊拿著圓規界刀之類在手上雕花。 他用界刀在手上橫行,有時只是畫一排的橫線,有時也會寫著他暗戀女孩的名字(雖然名字一早已通天)。 界得皮開肉錠,微滲著血水時,他就會拿著紙巾在傷痕上印。 日復如此,他手上滿是疤痕,身邊的人看得目瞪口呆時,但他自己卻是蠻自滿的。

