
06- 11-04

據 BBC 網頁的報導,由北京舉辦的2008年奧運會將會在8月8日下午8時舉行開幕禮,說是為了取其「發發發發」的諧音云云。

報導的尾段更列舉中國人對數字的忌諱,說中國人是 superstition:

Chinese culture is steeped in superstition, with numbers playing a major role in birthdays, wedding dates and naming.

Six, eight and nine are considered lucky numbers, while four, seven and
even one are considered more unfortunate.

The pronunciation of nine means everlasting, particularly in relationships, while six means things will go smoothly.

Telephone numbers, licence plates and even residential or business addresses which use any of or a combination of those numbers are extremely popular and often cost more.

Conversely, anything involving the numbers four and seven are avoided as much as possible. Four sounds like the Chinese word for death. Seven translates as "gone" which can also mean death, while one can signify loneliness.
你們的 13 與 666 又點計先?

說起「發發發發」,香港曾經也攪過一次「發發發發」的鬧劇,說是屯門的輕鐵。 屯門的輕鐵在 1988 年的下旬已經完工,曾想過在8月8日通車,08/08/1988,多好意頭。 但在試車的時候卻意外頻頻,常常出軌,有一回更只因為在鐵軌上有一條雪條棍而生意外。 結果通車日期只有不斷延遲,到同年9月25日才能正式通車,錯過了一個百年好日子咯! 輕鐵通車後年年虧蝕,又和這有沒有關係呢?

再說「8月8」,除了在廣東話有諧音,在國語中也有。 國語的「八」音像「爸」,台灣就用了「8月8」成為「父親節」,取其「八八節」即「爸爸節」也。 多溫馨。


sidekick said…
阿501, blogspot 的文章是可以修改日期的呀~~~
eason said…
咁501號房係咪即係唔會lonely架.... (將5同1擺埋一齊, 利害利害)
以前試過撞車, 人地架車個車牌係524, 真係好勁, 架車撞完都好似冇爛過咁喎!
我家中的電話號碼last4 個字係 6664, 而我個車牌就係 9997, 相差係3333. 都唔知係好定係唔好?!
收買佬 said…



--- 收買佬(文字獄專家)
收買佬 said…
eason: 我估阿501可能係當年重金買了501號的股票,家陣成屋股票

--- 收買佬(丁蟹徒弟)
rm501 said…
小踢: 可以改日子,我一早知啦~
e神,收收: 點解叫 501? 因為我同蜘蛛俠一樣都係住係"501號房"。 不要作太多聯想咯~ 又另,股票501? 聽到都怕怕。 都無錢再輸囉~
eason said…
哦.... 原來你係 peter parker! 你對粗框眼鏡呢?!
收買佬 said…

--- 收收
rm501 said…
股票當牆紙? 中央結算用電子股票啦收哥~~ 不過股票當牆紙都未算悲慟,可以用股票煲紅豆沙咁就真係近啦~
