嘩﹗ 終於等到喇﹗

嘩﹗ 終於等到喇﹗

boxing day 1
boxing day 2

雖然 delay o左四日,但實在係感動~~~

用後短評,刊於 comment 內。


nikita said…
PK_ said…
rm501 said…
1) 比想像中更輕,簡潔。
2) 無縫設計。
3) 硬膠面。 殼角位(USB 插頭一邊)易磨損變頓。
4) 蓋上USB蓋與機身尚有小小離位。 破壞了第2點的感覺。
5) 不是 Touch-sensitive wheel~~~ 是"的 dark" 制... 有點失望~
6) 在沒有install iTunes 的pc,唔曉自動充電。 一味閃橙燈。
7) even 有無 install iTunes,在 desktop "我的電腦"裡都看不到 ipod shuffle 內的檔案 (要再跟進研究)。
8) 部機會發熱,正正係 control wheel 個位
9) 要分別部機係 512 MB 定係 1 G,要靠 USB 插頭上的刻字。 但懷疑刻字會隨抽插磨損而消失。
10) 愛國用"國貨",機係 Made in China。 保養証也是寄回北京。
11) 機應該係由中國運去美國,再由美國空運到香港,再到我手。
12) 部機實在太輕,有 docking 都係無用,加埋都係輕飄飄無質感。
13) 個殼好易花。 我果部經已花o左~
PK_ said…
> 3) 硬膠面。 殼角位(USB 插頭一邊)易磨損變頓。
> 4) 蓋上USB蓋與機身尚有小小離位。 破壞了第2點的感覺。

indeed. i got hold of my few units today and the first thing i see in them, without opening the boxes, is the common, imperfect match between the cap and the main body.

well, the only consolation: for this price....ok la.......

as i've been used to itunes on mac, it's a piece of cake setting up the ipod shuffle and making sense of its advantage alongside an ipod 40G with the same library of songs managed by itunes. in short, making the best use of playlist is the key to making the best use of ipod shuffle.

charging one now. i'm most concerned with sound quality. will report back.
PK_ said…
if we r not going to listen to songs by shuffle, but in the order on a playlist, it's worth noticing that users have reported that charging the ipod shuffle via the USB port will everytime bring back the "playhead" to the first song. i have yet to verify this claim. but certainly it's not very nice to find the way back to a song u last listened to if there r hundreds of songs and u were in the middle of the order. probably for this reason, apple has introdcued a USB charger. having said that, from a song management perspective, would we, and is it wise to, listen to a playlist of hundreds of songs in a particular order?..........
rm501 said…
nikita: 我充o左一陣就著"綠燈" lor~
藏思人: 我的手無你咁靚~ 所以唔敢咁影~~ hehee
pk_ thanks~ 等待你的專業報告~~ :p
nikita said…
哎呀, 唔得架, 第一次充電要差到爆至得架, 唔係第時舊電的壽命無咁長架.