We’re all part of the masterplan

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因為畢彼特的《巴別塔》從書堆中尋回《聖經》看看。 讀下去,與巴比倫塔的沒啥趣味,偶爾間在其後章節中讀到一個的地名,於我而言卻是趣味沛然,因為和工程有關。

Genesis 13

....... And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, in the direction of Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley, and Lot journeyed east. Thus they separated from each other......

在書的注釋中,"garden of the LORD" 解作是 "Eden Garden" ,伊甸園是也。

在 Lot 的眼中 Jordan Valley 是有如伊甸園般,水草肥美,可給子孫安居樂業的好地方。 Lot 的 Jordan Valley 是否如此壯麗我不知道,但咫尺間在香港,我們也有一個 Jordan Valley ,即佐敦谷,此時正是黃土片地,積極發展中

Bird's eye view of Choi Wan Road and Jordan Valley Development



收買佬 said…
喂, 題外話, 我記得APPLE 維修中心係在時代廣場架喎.

又, 你唔怕睇"赤腳醫生" 的話, 可以去298 頂樓修修. :)