It is not good (but funny)

Then the LORD God said, "it is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help." So he took some soil from the ground and formed all the animals and all the birds. Then he brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and that is how they all got their names. So the man named all the birds and all animals; but not one of them was suitable companion to help him.

《Genesis 2:18》

我的分析是,當阿上主發現得男人一支公時,原來唔係幾好,寂寞難耐嘛!  (我的疑問是,阿男人究竟做過些什麼,覺得有必要幫他?)

你說怎麼辦?  不如弄些禽獸出來陪他?  對!  還有雀。 男人愛撚雀,早有歷史因由。

一批新玩伴造出來後,噢! 又是看不對眼(究竟是阿上主覺得自己做出來的不匹配,還是男人自己眼角高唔收貨?)。



SN said…


那人便給一切牲畜,和空中飛鳥,野地走獸都起了名;只是那人沒有遇見配偶幫助他。耶和華神使他沉睡,他就睡了;於是取下他的一條肋骨,又把肉合起來。耶和華神就用那人身上所取的肋骨,造成一個女人,領他到那人跟前。」 (創世記2:18-22)