讀 Paper Tigress - A life in the Hong Kong Government 有感

書是在舊書攤位買回來。 Rachel Cartland 是七十年代來港的政務官,在她22歲去應徵香港政府的工作時,面試官已提到九七問題,引述書中內容如下:
...... I boxed slightly clever when asked what I thought about a career in a place on which the lease was due to expire in 1997. 'Well,' I said grandly, 'I would only be forty-seven then so that would be a good time to start something new.' ......
A good time to start something new. 看罷久久未忘懷。 穿了12年的地盤安全鞋,4月後便可脫下。 工作的改變,有期待,也迎來挑戰。 
...... And did I say 'Yes'? Of course I did. After all, if you don't embark on an adventure when you're twenty-two-year-old with no commitments, when will you? 
她如是說。 我雖然遲了(很多),但我會努力。


偶爾 said…
Go for it!
Experience and taste everything met along the adventure.
Get through anz hardship and challenge by dint of ur courage and belief.