

又是BBC,今次看到這個。 歷史版裡在玩 family tree。 洋人要尋根,寫族譜,有一過人之處是資料相對完備,說就是在教堂洗禮的記錄,男男女女,生於何時,父母是誰寫得清楚。


在網頁中,有兩頁介紹洋人的倫理關係,甚有趣。 有趣的地方是,這些 cousin 呀、great aunt 呀、mother-in-law 呀,譯回中文,加上長幼次序、男家女家的分別,你又懂多少?

uncle the brother of your father or mother
aunt the sister of your father or mother
sibling your brother or sister
cousin the son or daughter of your uncle or aunt
second cousin the son or daughter of either parent's first cousin
nephew the son of your brother or sister
niece the daughter of your brother or sister
grandfather the father of your father or mother
grandmother the mother of your father or mother
grandson your child's son
granddaughter your child's daughter
great grandfather the father of one of your grandparents
great grandmother the mother of one of your grandparent
sgreat uncle the uncle of one of your parent
sgreat aunt the aunt of one of your parents

father-in-law the father of your spouse
mother-in-law the mother of your spouse
stepson the son of your spouse's former marriage
stepdaughter the daughter of your spouse's former marriage
stepmother your father's second (or subsequent) wife
stepfather your mother's second (or subsequent) husband
half-brother the male offspring from the remarriage of one of your parents
half-sister the female offspring from the remarriage of one of your parents


IQ 題: 為何今個post title 叫「大雷雨」? 點解? 點解?


ArchBoss said…
收買佬 said…

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收買佬 said…

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